The Evolution of Copywriting: How Brands are Adapting to New Trends

As the world of marketing evolves, so do the trends and techniques used by copywriters to capture and retain the attention of consumers. In this post, we’ll take a closer look at some of the most recent trends in copywriting, and provide examples of brands that are successfully using them to engage their audience.

Personalization: A Necessity, Not a Luxury

Personalization has become a necessity in the world of marketing. According to a study by Epsilon, 80% of consumers are more likely to do business with a company if it offers a personalized experience.

What exactly does personalized experience mean for copywriters?

For one, knowing the buyer personas is increasingly needed. As contact databases get more nuanced, PPC marketing knows how to target users, copywriters must sense the tiny differences between people. Personalization can take many forms, such as using their location or interests to craft content, or leveraging data about their past interactions with the brand to create a more customized experience or knowing when to start your marketing email with Hi, Dear, or Mr.

Whatever the approach, the goal of personalized experience in copywriting is to make the reader feel seen, understood, and valued, which in turn can lead to increased engagement, trust, and conversions. Who doesn’t appreciate a company that knows their name, understands their problems, and finally solves them for you?

AI-Powered Copywriting: The Rise of Intelligent Tools

AI-powered copywriting tools are becoming increasingly popular. Brands like Grammarly and WriteSonic are using machine learning algorithms to help copywriters create content more efficiently.

While a rookie mistake is to use ChatGPT to create content and upload it as-is, smart copywriters use AI tools to increase productivity. Instead of writing for you, AI copywriting tools are more efficient in conducting background research (but it’s important not to rely on them entirely). Have you tried user research for creating personas? – works like a charm as well!

A great bonus is for non-native English speakers who speak English well enough to understand nuances but may sometimes make grammar mistakes or lack sufficient synonyms. AI suggests improvements to structure, grammar, syntax, and style. I find that ChatGPT works best if you have an almost-ready text that needs the final polish.

Have you ever wondered if your copywriting agency is submitting AI-created content? You can also reverse-check with AI Text Classifier to find out.

Sustainability and Social Responsibility: A Growing Concern

Remember this ad from the 1960s which says, “Kent cigarettes are made with the finest tobacco blends and are specially filtered to reduce harmful particles, ensuring a clean and pure smoke every time.”

Gone are the days when it was considered hip to use questionable marketing tactics, as the current and upcoming generations have little patience for brands that resort to unethical copywriting. The sentiment is clear – if your message doesn’t align with your values, you’ll be left in the dust by the discerning consumers of today.

Sustainability and social responsibility are growing concerns for consumers, particularly among younger generations. According to a study by the consulting firm Accenture, 62% of consumers want companies to take a stand on issues like sustainability and social responsibility. Others may consider important to take stance on LGBT rights or war and aggression. While you may opt out from some social justice topics, make sure you’re not going against the current towards a more sustainable and humaine environment.

Voice Search Optimization: The Future of Copywriting

Voice search is becoming increasingly popular, with over 50% of searches expected to be conducted through voice assistants by 2022. To optimize content for voice search, copywriters must create messaging that is conversational and natural-sounding.

When a user performs a voice search, they typically use natural language phrases and questions rather than typing in specific keywords. Instead of “weather forecast in New York”, they would probably ask “What’s the weather like today”. This means that content optimized for voice search should focus on providing direct answers to commonly asked questions in conversational language.

Dom, Domino’s Pizza’s virtual ordering assistant, is a prime illustration. Using natural language, you can describe your order, like saying “I’d like a large pepperoni pizza with extra cheese.” Dom’s catchphrases have gained significant popularity.

In conclusion, copywriting is an ever-evolving field, and staying up-to-date with the latest trends is essential for success. By embracing personalization, voice search optimization, AI-powered copywriting, and sustainability and social responsibility, brands can create messaging that resonates with their audience and drives results.

So, whether you’re a seasoned copywriter or just starting out, keep these trends in mind and keep experimenting with new approaches to copywriting!