The Importance of Technical SEO for Your Website Success.

Looking for a technical SEO agency? – Well, You are smart.

When it comes to Search Engine Optimization (SEO), many people believe that the key to success is simply adding keywords to the right places on a website. But adding good keywords to technically dysfunctional websites is like putting a shiny new coat of paint on a rusted car. Sure, it may look nicer on the surface, but the underlying issues still remain and will continue to cause problems in the long run.

Just as a car needs to be fully restored and maintained to function properly, a website must be technically sound and well-optimized in order to perform well in search engine results. That is why serious SEO efforts should be directed towards technical SEO.

Technical SEO refers to the process of ensuring that your website meets the standards set by search engines for easy crawling and indexing.

Through a technical SEO audit, you can identify areas for improvement in your website’s SEO to provide a seamless online experience.

It is crucial to understand what technical SEO is, what it involves, and how a technical SEO audit can help ensure that your website conforms to search engine guidelines and industry standards.

Why Should You Care About Technical SEO?

Google reports that a 10-second page load time can result in a 123 percent increase in bounce rate. Additionally, a one-second delay in mobile page loading time can cause a 20 percent drop in conversion rate, an 11 percent decline in page views, and a 16 percent decrease in customer satisfaction.

Given that top organic search results account for almost 35 percent of clicks, a decrease in ranking can have a negative impact on your business.

Furthermore, technical SEO is not just about improving your search rankings and click-through rates. It also plays a crucial role in providing a positive user experience.

In today’s digital age, users expect websites to load quickly and function smoothly, regardless of the device they’re using. If your website fails to meet these expectations, users are likely to leave your site and look elsewhere for what they need. This can result in lost business opportunities, lower engagement, and a negative reputation for your brand.

Therefore, investing in technical SEO is not just about meeting search engine algorithms, but also about meeting the needs and expectations of your users. By ensuring that your website is technically sound and optimized for both search engines and users, you can achieve better search rankings, increased traffic, and ultimately, better business outcomes.

A Comprehensive Guide to the Components of Technical SEO

Technical on-page SEO encompasses several factors, including site speed, Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP), robots exclusion standard (robots.txt), XML sitemap status, and content quality. These elements are critical to your website’s online performance.

List of Components what a technical SEO agency should fix:

  1. Site architecture and structure – ensure that your website is well-organized, easy to navigate, and accessible to search engines and users.
  2. Page load speed and mobile-friendliness – optimize images, reduce page size, use caching, and ensure that your website is optimized for mobile devices.
  3. URL structure and redirect management – ensure that your URLs are concise, descriptive, and easy to understand, and implement proper redirects to avoid broken links and duplicate content.
  4. Robots.txt and XML sitemap optimization – ensure that these files are properly configured and optimized to allow search engines to crawl and index your website effectively.
  5. Canonical tags and duplicate content management – identify and consolidate duplicate content using canonical tags, and avoid using duplicate content to prevent penalties from search engines.
  6. Schema markup and structured data implementation – add schema markup to your website’s HTML code, which helps search engines better understand the content on your website and display it more prominently in search results.
  7. HTTPS implementation and security measures – install an SSL certificate, configure your website to use HTTPS, and implement other security measures to protect your website from attacks and hacking.
  8. Accessibility and user experience (UX) – ensure that your website is designed with accessibility in mind and provides a positive user experience, including easy navigation, clear content, and fast load times.
  9. Website indexing and crawlability – ensure that your website is crawlable and indexable by search engines, and that all important pages are easily discoverable.
  10. Website migration and redirection planning – create a plan for redirecting old URLs to new ones, and ensure that all important pages are properly redirected to avoid losing search engine rankings and traffic.
  11. Running a crawl error report – run a crawl error report using a tool like Google Search Console, and address any errors or issues that are identified.
  12. Eliminating duplicate content – identify and consolidate duplicate content using canonical tags or other methods, and avoid using duplicate content to prevent penalties from search engines.
  13. Auditing preferred domain – ensure that your website is configured to use the correct preferred domain (with or without “www”), and that all links and URLs are consistent with the preferred domain setting.
  14. Improving metadata – optimize page titles, descriptions, and other metadata using relevant keywords, to improve click-through rates and search engine rankings.
  15. Checking HTTPS status codes – use a tool like Screaming Frog or Google Search Console to identify any issues or errors with your HTTPS pages, and address them to ensure that your website is properly secured and optimized for search engines.
  16. Checking broken links – use a tool like Broken Link Checker or Google Search Console to identify and fix broken links, which can improve user experience and search engine rankings.
  17. Creating an XML sitemap – use a sitemap generator tool or plugin to create a list of all the pages on your website, which helps search engines crawl and index your website more effectively

Each of these components plays a crucial role in ensuring that your website is optimized for search engines and provides a seamless user experience. By understanding and implementing these technical SEO best practices, you can improve your website’s ranking, increase organic traffic, and ultimately achieve your business goals.

The Importance of Separating Technical SEO and Content Creation: Why You Need Specialists for Both

Technical SEO and content creation are equally important for achieving long-term success in search engine rankings. However, few SEO professionals are good at both writing high-quality content and fixing complex technical issues. We suggest you find an agency that separates technical SEO and content creation.

Technical SEO requires expertise in website development, server configuration, and software architecture. To ensure the website is optimized for search engines, it’s necessary to work with developers who can manage the website’s technical issues.

On the other hand, creating high-quality content is a crucial part of SEO. It’s essential to have engaging and informative content that matches the user’s search intent. That’s why it’s advisable to work with copywriters or content marketers to create content that will rank well and appeal to the target audience.

In conclusion, while basic SEO issues are important, technical SEO and content creation require specialized skills. It’s often better to work with developers for technical issues and copywriters for content creation.

By combining the skills of technical experts and content specialists, businesses can achieve long-term success in search engine rankings and drive more traffic to their website.

Contact our content & technical SEO agency

Technical SEO is a continuous process that involves regular audits and updates to keep your website up-to-date with the latest best practices and search engine guidelines. Waiting until technical SEO issues cause negative SEO consequences for your site is not recommended. Investing in technical SEO for eCommerce, WordPress, and other content management systems (CMS) now can save you time and money in the long run.