SEO copywriting: writing for readers or web crawlers?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a highly effective strategy for boosting website visibility and attracting potential customers. However, creating high-quality SEO content requires specialized skills and expertise that many businesses may lack.

What’s the Difference Between Copywriting and SEO Copywriting?

While copywriting and SEO copywriting may seem similar at first glance, they differ in some noteworthy ways.

Copywriting is mostly about creating engaging and persuasive content that captures attention and hopefully drives conversions. It is typically written by creative people who have knowledge of consumer behavior psychology, a creative approach to writing, and at least some empathy and imagination.

SEO copywriting, on the other hand, usually refers to text that is written to please Google or other search engines. Unlike creative copywriting, where the magic sauce is often a mystery ingredient – something that sometimes just works right – SEO copywriting follows almost mathematical rules. Thus, SEO copywriters must be well aware of how many times a phrase should be repeated in a text, how to find the right phrase, and how to use it properly.

Copywriting for Both, Humans and Web Crawlers

One of the biggest challenges in SEO copywriting is achieving the perfect balance between writing for humans and for web crawlers.
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In an ideal world, your content needs to be informative, persuasive, and engaging to attract and retain human readers, while also incorporating targeted keywords and phrases to improve visibility on search engines.

Even if you follow all the necessary requirements for writing an SEO-friendly text, and it sounds dull and uninviting, a high bounce rate is a clear sign to Google that something is not quite right.

Thus, to achieve this perfect balance, it is essential to incorporate keywords naturally, optimize header tags and meta descriptions, and prioritize user experience and engagement. However, if you had to choose, the “human users first” approach is the way to go. Keywords can help you rank higher, but passion and engagement will persuade users to buy your products.

Choosing the Right SEO Copywriting Service

When selecting an SEO copywriting service, consider the following factors:

Look for Expertise and Experience in SEO Copywriting Service

The primary goal of SEO copywriting is to improve website visibility on search engines. Therefore, it’s crucial to consider the expertise and experience of the writers.

Ensure that the content is optimized for readability, engagement, and user experience, and inquire about the company’s approach to keyword research, meta descriptions, header tags, and other SEO elements.

Prefer a Copywriter to an SEO Writer

There are two types of copywriters: those who first learn how to write, then learn SEO, and those who focus on SEO and learn to write optimized content. Copywriters with strong writing backgrounds may have a natural ability to create engaging content, while writers who focus mainly on SEO may lack writing finesse.

To ensure that your content is engaging and well-crafted, look for copywriters whose primary focus is writing and who have learned SEO as an extra.
Berit from Simulacrum

Consider Which Supporting Services the Agency Offers

While it’s not necessary for an SEO copywriter to know everything about SEO, it’s beneficial if the agency offering the service has a broader range of knowledge beyond just copywriting. Technical SEO, on-page optimization, and link building are additional branches of SEO.

An agency with a broader understanding of SEO can offer a more comprehensive service, identify and fix other SEO issues impacting website performance, and provide keyword tracking programs like Ahrefs or SEMrush to inform your content strategy.

SEO copywriting – at your service

Using SEO copywriting services is a smart investment for businesses seeking to enhance their online visibility. Finding the right balance between writing for humans and web crawlers is crucial in creating quality SEO content. When selecting an SEO copywriting service, look for expertise and experience in SEO copywriting, prefer a copywriter with a writing background, and consider which supporting services the agency offers to ensure maximum impact and results.